Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Hey y’all hows it going?

Today we are emailing from the library up near the famous cathedral and the Plaza Mayor, centered about a 2 minute walk one direction from the aqueduct and the other direction the castle Alcazar. How sweet is this? Today we went to the green field under the castle at 11:15 after studying, to take the famous pictures up at the castle. My companion and I both pulled off the hand stand and one handed hand stand photo. It was pretty awesome. Then we walked over the bridge and through the woods, not to grandma’s house, but to the library. It was an awesome walk and then a hike up some stairs. Cool stuff here in Spain for sure.

We are still teaching Patricio’s kids, and also helping them with English. They are way smart and learn way fast. Oh yeah, transfers came and went without any changes in our companionship. I am super excited for this next transfer. Elder Peterson has had the opportunity to start trying his hand at the cell phone. He has taken a couple of calls, and made some calls. We have a great time doing the work of the Lord. Thursday we found a potential investigator in his house. He is named Juan and from Honduras. He lives with another investigator who has been on vacation since I got here to Segovia. Juan is awesome and said the closing prayer after we taught him a first lesson. The spirit was so strong. I hope to see good things come from Juan.

Last week was planning on Thursday as usual, but for this week, the first week of the new transfer. It is always interesting planning for a week that you are not sure you will work in this area. I am so glad to be here in Segovia another transfer though, it is amazing here. Friday morning we went to Avila to teach 2 menos activos or less active people. Here they call these people less actives even if they are inactive. But none the less we taught 2 of our 6 members there in Avila. One was Sergio who we taught last time at his tienda, and then also we taught Ana. Ana has a super sad story, and has had a hard life. She is about 55 or so, give or take 5 years, and has two daughters and had one son. Her son, who lived with her up until last April, when he died in a car accident, was investigating the church. He attended church with his mom regularly, and has accepted the church in the spirit world with open arms, I would assume. She has those 2 daughters who live in Madrid. I don’t know what the situation is with her husband, but she lives alone in Avila. We try to call her and visit her. This was our second visit and luckily this time we were able to take her to Sergio’s herbal medicine tienda to teach her and him. It was an awesome lesson and we gave her a lot of scriptures on faith and hope in our restoration lesson we taught. It was amazing.

We also, on a more happy note, saw the amazing cathedral there in Avila with its amazing wall. Take a look at that on the internet. I bet some photos would be easy to come by. Noche de hogar, or family night on Friday was awesome. We taught Patricio’s family about tithes and offerings, which the parents obviously knew about already. But it is one of the last lessons to be taught to Kenneth, Kelly and Clayton, before we start reviewing them all. One or two principles at a time, we have been keeping the attention of these kids and teaching them. Our God is a God of miracles (Mormon 9), and this was nothing short of a miracle.

Also, Hermana Loli, Presidente Galera’s wife had surgery this last week on her heart and is recuperating in Madrid still until probably Friday, but all went well.
Sat. morning we got to teach Victor from the huge family and the window contact. He helped us learn and write down some Bulgarian words, and I wrote them phonetically so they are probably so misspelled it isn’t even funny. I am glad I don’t have to learn Bulgarian. Also, we taught him an awesome charla using Alma 32.

On Saturday, also we served members of the family of Patricio to move some furniture. We moved the equivalent of closets, but as furniture. I dunno it was like a dresser, but basically just a huge closet. So anyway, we helped them load those up and unload them at their new house. Yes, I said house, they live in a house, like without neighbors above, below and on every side. They moved to a pueblo out of Segovia, but they still live in our area. Oh, by the way, our area is all of the Segovia and Avila provinces, which are huge. So they could move like 2 or almost 3 hours away in one direction and still be in the Segovia area, and in our capilla boundaries. Also, we each gave a talk in church.

Til’next week.
Much love from Segovia!
Elder Miller

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